Publish date13 Jun 2018 - 11:25
Story Code : 336763

North Korea leader agrees denuclearization if US hostile policy end

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says denuclearization happens if Washington puts an end to its hostile policy.
North Korea leader agrees denuclearization if US hostile policy end
According to the Pyongyang's official news agency the KCNA on early Wednesday, Kim agreed to the "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" if the two sides refrained "from antagonizing... each other out of mutual understanding."

The KCNA also said that the two men each asked the other to visit their country.

"The two top leaders gladly accepted each other's invitation," said the report.

It also said that the summit had been an "epoch-making meeting" that would help foster "a radical switchover in the most hostile (North Korea)-US relations."

Earlier in the day, Trump says the United States was stopping “very provocative” and expensive military exercises with South Korea to facilitate denuclearization negotiations with North Korea.
The United States and South Korea hold regular military drills to the fury of North Korea, which has long seen the drills as preparations to invade it.

Trump and Kim arrived in Singapore on Sunday to hold the first ever face-to-face meeting between leaders of the two countries, which have remained enemies since the 1950-1953 Korean War.

While the summit is seen as a test for diplomacy that could end the long-running nuclear standoff, foreign policy experts say the stakes are high if it does not result in a nuclear agreement.

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