Publish date22 Apr 2018 - 8:44
Story Code : 325914

Iran dismisses spiteful US human rights claims

Iran has dismissed the spiteful claims made by the United States about the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iran dismisses spiteful US human rights claims

"The Islamic Republic of Iran regards the annual report of the US Department of State, particularly the claims about the human rights [situation] in Iran, as totally spiteful and politically-motivated," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said.

He added that the report portrayed a "distorted and unreal" picture of the situation in Iran.
Qassemi said credible reports by international bodies had confirmed that not only is the US itself one of the world’s main violators of human rights, but it is also playing a leading role in supporting infamous human rights violators, including the Israeli regime and some reactionary states in the region.

The Iranian spokesperson condemned the "baseless and unacceptable" accusations leveled by Washington against Tehran.

Instead of interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries and making any judgment about their human rights situation, the US administration had better adopt immediate necessary measures to support human rights inside the country, he said.

He urged the US government to react to widespread violations of human rights by its allies.
Acting US Secretary of State John Sullivan released the 2017 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on Friday. He accused several countries, including Iran, of violating human rights within their borders on a daily basis, labeling them as forces of instability.

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