Publish date4 Jan 2015 - 9:53
Story Code : 178342

Ukraine violence unabated despite snowfall

Violence rages on unabated around Donetsk in the east of Ukraine in the face of heavy snowfall following the breakdown of truce negotiations between pro-Ukrainians and pro-Russians.
Ukraine violence unabated despite snowfall

Firefights took place near the village of Pisky on Saturday, not far from Donetsk's airport.

On Friday, Ukraine’s military spokesman Andriy Lysenko reported the country’s first fatality of the New Year.

A truce brokered by Russian and European envoys in September has been repeatedly violated and new talks aimed at consolidating that agreement broke down last week.

Ukraine’s mainly Russian-speaking regions in the east have witnessed deadly clashes between pro-Russian forces and the Ukrainian army since Kiev launched military operations to silence the pro-Moscow protests in mid-April.

According to the latest figures released by the United Nations, more than 4,700 people have been killed in the fighting.

Kiev and its Western allies accuse neighboring Russia of having a hand in the chaotic situation in eastern Ukraine. Moscow categorically denies the allegation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko are expected to discuss the crisis in a tentative meeting in Kazakhstan on January 15.

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