Publish date24 Mar 2023 - 14:48
Story Code : 588007

“Steadfastness, key strong point of Iranian nation”, cleric

Friday prayer leader of Tehran highlighted steadfastness as the key strong point in the Iranian nation, the ability that has helped its resistance against enemies despite all intrigues.
“Steadfastness, key strong point of Iranian nation”, cleric
Hujjat-ul-Islam Kazem Seddiqi, in his sermon in the first Friday prayer of Tehran in the Persian New Year, hailed the Islamic Revolution as a global, historical, cultural and political transformation that truly changed viewpoints, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He said,” As the Leader of Islamic Republic mentioned, the strong point of the Iranian nation is steadfastness, a capability that helped Iranians resist against hostile intrigues.”
The cleric noted that annihilation of Islam and Islamic Revolution was on top of the agenda for CIA in the first six months after victory of the Islamic Revolution.
He warned of the US constant efforts to infiltrate the minds and beliefs of Iranian nation with its propaganda.
“Since victory of the Islamic Revolution, US carried out several plots including war, sanctions, terror, ethnical intrigues, riots and insecurity” said Hujjat-ul-Islam Seddiqi and referred to the latest riot in Iran as a plot hatched by several countries to topple the Islamic Republic.
Top cleric reiterated the achievements by the Islamic Republic since the victory of Islamic Revolution despite paralyzing sanctions and hailed the cooperation of three powers in Iran under the banner of the leader.
He said,” The recent riot in the country illustrated the all-out support of Iranian nation for the Islamic Revolution and their resistance against plots hatched by the US and backed by the Israeli regime.”
Friday prayer leader of Tehran also referred to Iranian President’s trip to China and the perfect diplomatic relations between Iran and its neighbors.
Hujjat-ul-Islam Seddiqi made the comments in the first Friday of the Persian New Year lauding the Islamic Republic of Iran for its achievements throughout the past year.
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