Tag archive title : Friday prayer
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Iranian cleric hails Palestinians resisting Israeli atrocities in Gaza
20 Jul 2024 - 11:51
Jabalia holds first Friday prayer following Israeli forces pullout (photo)  <img src="/images/picture_icon.png" width="13" height="13" border="0" align="top">
9 Jun 2024 - 14:49
“Rafah marks an end to Israeli regime “
1 Jun 2024 - 12:45
Iranian cleric hails US campus protests in support of Gazans
11 May 2024 - 08:58
Cleric hails Operation True Promise for complexity, scale
4 May 2024 - 10:30
Gazans hold Friday prayer amid debris of Rafah mosque (photo)  <img src="/images/picture_icon.png" width="13" height="13" border="0" align="top">
29 Apr 2024 - 16:00
Israeli regime suffering huge, unprecedented blows
6 Apr 2024 - 13:53
Displaced Palestinians held first Ramadan Friday prayer on debris of mosque
16 Mar 2024 - 14:39
“Palestine, number one issue for Muslim world”
16 Mar 2024 - 12:08
Gaza, umber one issue in world of Islam
24 Feb 2024 - 11:27
Zionist Israeli regime achieved no objective in Gaza
27 Jan 2024 - 14:06
Palestinians, revenging over seven decades of Israeli crimes
30 Dec 2023 - 11:57
West, most abhorred, isolated over its Gaza war stance
23 Dec 2023 - 09:10
Iran urges PIUC meeting to discuss Gaza crisis
16 Dec 2023 - 11:06
“Resistance operation amounts to legal self-defense”, cleric
9 Dec 2023 - 10:03
“Operation al-Aqsa Flood, hard blow to US”, cleric
2 Dec 2023 - 10:59
“Resistance attacks broke Israeli regime’s back”, cleric
25 Nov 2023 - 13:30
Huj. Shahriari raps western double standards in face of Gaza war
13 Nov 2023 - 12:57
“Israeli crimes, true image of savagery”, top cleric
11 Nov 2023 - 12:11
Palestine is key to unity, victory against enemies
28 Oct 2023 - 12:45
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