Publish date2 Aug 2015 - 9:28
Story Code : 200268

Egyptian Mufti Slams Israel’s Child-killing

Egypt’s grand Mufti condemned the Zionist settlers’ savage crime of burning a Palestinian toddler to death.
Egyptian Mufti Slams Israel’s Child-killing

Shawqi Allam also slammed the passive stance of the international community over the atrocity and called on Arab and Muslim countries as well as international organizations to stop the Zionists’ barbaric attacks against the oppressed people of Palestine, al-Fajr website reported.

Eighteen-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha was burnt to death on Friday when Israeli settlers threw incendiary objects at Palestinian houses in the West Bank village of Duma, south of Nablus.

The baby’s parents and his four-year-old brother were also injured in the arson attack.
The assailants reportedly came from the nearby settlement of Ma'akeg Efraim.

The Israeli settlers' latest atrocity has drawn widespread condemnation worldwide, even from the Zionist regime's supporters.
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