Publish date8 Mar 2023 - 12:23
Story Code : 586439

Mid-Sha’ban, time to celebrate birth anniversary of last savior

A landmark in the Shia calendar, 15th of Sha’ban marks the birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AS), twelfth Shia Imam and grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who is known to be the last savior of world people.
Mid-Sha’ban, time to celebrate birth anniversary of last savior
Shias believe in him as their twelfth holy Imam, Imam Mahdi’s an important figure, who, all Muslims believe, will get rid of the world of tyranny and injustice.

Imam Mahdi, according to Shia belief, was born on July 29, 869 CE (Sha’ban 15, 255 AH) in Samarra city of Iraq.

Muslims besides prayers and recitation of the Holy Qur’an and supplications, celebrate this day by decorating and illuminating their houses and streets and offering sweets to everyone, far and near.

According to some hadiths, after Laylat al-Qadr, the night before Sha'ban 15th is the most honorable night.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Imam of the Age (may Allah hasten his reappearance) on April 9, 2020, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei noted that “In order to establish the society of Imam Mahdi, we should engage in edifying ourselves and others as much as we are able to. We should also help those around us in order to become closer to the society of Imam Mahdi, which is a society of justice, spirituality, understanding, brotherhood, and dignity.”

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that true Awaiting the Imam is in sharp contrast to showing impatience or setting a specific timeline for the Reappearance of the Imam

Aldo in another speech in 2018, Ayatollah Khamenei that the 15th of Sha’aban is the embodiment of “our hopeful outlook towards the future. All the hope that we invest in something may or may not have the outcome that we hoped for; however, the hope towards the final salvation by the absolute Wali [representative of God] of the Almighty God— the Imam of the Time (may God hasten his reappearance, and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake) — is an inviolable hope... It is not only Shias that have made this claim; it is not only Muslims that have made this claim: all religions of the world are waiting for such a day to come. Our privilege is that we know him: we feel his existence; we believe in his existence; we speak to him; we address him; we make requests to him and he grants us our requests. This is the difference between us and others. Others —non-Shia Muslims and non-Muslim believers — believe in something that is vague; however, this is not the case with us Shi’as. It is clear what we want and whom we speak to. The 15th of Sha’aban is a day of hope.”

Imam Mahdi is known as the Savior among Shias, who believe he will reappear on earth as per divine decree, establishing peace and ridding the world of injustice, discrimination, and other instances of evil.

Imam Mahdi (PBUH)’s father, Imam Hassan al-Askari, would keep his birth and identity from the tyrants of the time, who had learned about the divine prophesy concerning Imam Mahdi. Their efforts and ill intention, however, failed to either come in the way of the Imam’s birth or harm him afterward.

Shias thus await the Imam’s reemergence, which is expected to transpire on a Friday, with enthusiasm.

Imam Mahdi is known as the Savior among Shias, who believe he will reappear on earth as per divine decree, establishing peace and ridding the world of injustice, discrimination, and other instances of evil.

Imam Mahdi (PBUH)’s father, Imam Hassan al-Askari, would keep his birth and identity from the tyrants of the time, who had learned about the divine prophesy concerning Imam Mahdi. Their efforts and ill intention, however, failed to either come in the way of the Imam’s birth or harm him afterward.
Shias thus await the Imam’s reemergence, which is expected to transpire on a Friday, with enthusiasm.

On this auspicious occasion Shia Muslims worldwide hold celebrations by illuminating streets, singing songs for the birthday of the Imam (AS), slaughtering animals, and feeding the poor.

Such celebrations are more common in Iran where a lot of celebrations are held by people themselves in religious places, districts, and bazaars.

One of the most crowded places where such celebrations are held is the Jamkaran Mosque. Sha'ban 15th is an official holiday in Iran and is called the "World Day of the Impoverished".

Shiites in Iraq also celebrate Sha'ban 15th in the holy shrine of Imam al-Husayn (a). Shiites in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and India also hold celebrations of Sha'ban 15th.

In Iraq, children are given candies as they walk around their neighborhoods. Sunni Muslims in Iraqi Kurdistan and Afghanistan celebrate this holiday 15 days before Ramadan.

In South Asia, Muslims make sweets (especially Halwa or Zarda) to be given to the neighbors and the poor on the evening prior to the 15th of Sha'ban. This custom of distributing Halva is also practiced in Bosnia on the 15th night of Sha'ban, as well as on three other holidays: Laylat al-Qadr, Laylat al-Mi'raj, and Laylat al-Raghaib.

Hidden by God, Imam Mahdi is a significant figure for all Muslims and accordingly this is an important event for the people as they arrange their wedding ceremonies on this night to bring life-long happiness to their marital life.

The birthday ceremony of Imam Mahdi is Iran's biggest festival of lights and happiness across the country and all Shia and Sunni Muslims and even non-Muslims celebrate the event and share their happiness. According to Islamic beliefs, the Savior Imam Mahdi will be accompanied by Jesus Christ PBUH after his reappearance and in his fight against evil.
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