Publish date27 May 2024 - 19:21
Story Code : 637042

Protesters rally outside Starbucks outlets in the Netherlands against Israel's war on Gaza

Groups in the Netherlands gathered Sunday outside Starbucks branches in various cities to protest Israel's war on Gaza.
Protesters rally outside Starbucks outlets in the Netherlands against Israel

One group gathered in front of the company's outlet in Rotterdam city center.
Hanging posters with slogans like "Starbucks prepares drinks for genocide" and "Boycott Starbucks" alongside Palestinian flags, they distributed brochures detailing Israel's massacres in Gaza to passersby.
The demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Starbucks finances, Israel bombs," "Boycott Starbucks," "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" and (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) "Netanyahu is a terrorist."
Pro-Palestinian groups organized simultaneous protests in front of Starbucks branches in other cities as well.

Israeli colonists today attacked shops and their owners in the town of Sebastia, northwest of Nablus.
The mayor of Sabtiya, Muhammad Azem, said that a group of Israeli colonists stormed the archaeological site in the town, attacked shop owners in the area and forced them to close them.
The attack was carried out in full sight of the soldiers, who stood idly by and did nothing to stop the colonists.
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