Publish date18 Feb 2024 - 19:28
Story Code : 625642

Hamas won't accept anything less than 'complete cessation of aggression' on Gaza

The head of the Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, said on Saturday that the Palestinian resistance will “not accept anything less than a complete cessation of Israeli aggression,” Anadolu Agency reports.
Hamas won
“The movement has shown complete flexibility in dealing with these issues, but it is clear so far that the occupation continues to maneuver and procrastinate in issues that concern our people, while its position revolves around the release of hostages,” the official said.
Haniyeh stressed that “the resistance will not accept anything less than a complete cessation of aggression, the withdrawal of the occupation army from the Gaza Strip, the lifting of the unjust siege, the provision of safe and appropriate shelter for the displaced due to the crimes of the occupation, the return of the displaced, especially to the northern Gaza Strip, an end to the barbaric starvation policy, and a commitment to reconstruction.”
He considered that all of these requirements are “humanitarian and agreed upon by the UN, human rights institutions, and the International Court of Justice,” adding that “the occupation must comply with them.”
Negotiations between the Palestinian Resistance groups and Israel, mediated by Egypt and Qatar, continue.
Last Tuesday, a negotiation session was held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, but it ended without achieving any breakthrough.
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