Publish date26 Aug 2023 - 19:00
Story Code : 605018

Activists launch campaign to free Amin Abu Rashid from Dutch jail

A group of Palestinian and Dutch activists launched on Thursday a campaign calling for the release of Amin Abu Rashid, head of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe, Quds Press reported.
Activists launch campaign to free Amin Abu Rashid from Dutch jail

Head of the Palestinian Community in the Netherlands, Ahmad Sakina, said: “Throughout this campaign, we have spread awareness about Abu Rashid and his case. We will support him and stand beside him during this campaign.”
Sakina disclosed a plan for a number of activities as part of the campaign “to be held very soon under the tag #Freedom_For_Amin.”
Meanwhile, Abu Rashid’s family have confirmed that his health condition is deteriorating; they called for his immediate release as “he is being detained by the Dutch authorities based on false claims and pressure by the Israeli occupation.”
For his part, Head of Palestinian Democratic Gathering in the Netherlands, Yaser Tamim, said: “Abu Rashid and all the organisations and institutions he has been working with support the Palestinian people inside Palestine and in the diaspora.”
Tamim added: “We will be part of the action against the false campaign targeting him.”
Palestinian activist in Holland, Tariq Jalbout, said: “The detention of Abu Rashid means the detention of every Palestinian. The duty of every Palestinian and every free person is to stand with Amin and be part of the campaign launched in solidarity with him.”
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