Publish date21 Jan 2023 - 10:18
Story Code : 581196

Iran censures blacklisting of IRGC, calls Israel largest terrorist entity

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman has posted on his Twitter account on Friday to stressing that the counter-terrorism approach of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as the reason why it was designated as a terrorist organization by the European Parliament.
Iran censures blacklisting of IRGC, calls Israel largest terrorist entity
Nasser Kan’ani said in his message that the Israeli regime is the “largest organized terrorist entity” in the world, with the UK being its founder and the US its biggest sponsor.

“The reason behind the anger of the ‘global club of terrorists’ is crystal clear,” Kan’ani wrote. “The #IRGC is the world’s largest counter-terrorism inst.”

Kan’ani also drew attention to a message by former IRGC Quds Force chief Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in the aftermath of the defeat of the Daesh terrorist group in 2017.

The tweet came two days after the European Parliament adopted an amendment, which was added to an annual foreign policy report, calling on the EU and its member states to include the IRGC on their terror list.

The parliament also passed another resolution on Thursday, calling for more sanctions against Iranian individuals and entities and putting the IRGC on the EU terrorist list over alleged human rights violations during recent riots.

The move has been strongly condemned by Iranian officials,
commanders, and the armed forces.
Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf slammed the move as a “miscalculation”, saying it would turn the European Union into the biggest sponsor of terrorism.

“IRGC is a unique counter-terrorism organization in the region and in the world,” he said at a local ceremony in Anzali, Gilan Province, on Thursday night, warning Europe against carrying out Daesh’s wish.

“In case this decision is finalized, the Iranian Parliament will certainly adopt a reciprocal action,” cautioned the top lawmaker.

“We would consider European governments as supporters of terrorism and their troops as terrorists and would treat them in a completely different manner in the region,” he added.

Back in April 2019, the Iranian parliament passed a law designating American forces in West Asia – known as the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) – as a terrorist organization. The move came as a countermeasure against the US blacklisting of the IRGC.

In a statement on Friday, Iran’s Army strongly condemned the illegal move, saying that it exposed the enemies’ grudge against the Islamic establishment in Iran.

“The measure of the European Parliament, which claims to be fighting terrorism, against an anti-terrorist institution is out of their desperation and failure in supporting recent riots in Iran,” read the statement.

The IRGC has an outstanding history of fighting internal and foreign terrorist groups such as Daesh and Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), it said.

The measure, it continued, comes due to “blindly following hostile US policies against the Islamic Revolution” and proves that Europeans submit to the US and “global Zionism.”
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