Publish date30 Nov 2022 - 13:35
Story Code : 575198

Iran highlights Syria’s sovereignty, integrity in face of Israeli regime

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, in an address to the Security Council on Tuesday, stressed sovereignty and integrity of Syria condemning Israeli regime over violating territorial integrity of the Arab country.
Iran highlights Syria’s sovereignty, integrity in face of Israeli regime
Addressing a meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday, Amir-Saeed Iravani said, "Security and stability in northern Syria will only come about through complete preservation of and respect for the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

"Whatever military operation against northern Syria could [either] pose a challenge to or even worsen the humanitarian situation [there]," added the envoy.

According to Iravani, the Zionist regime's recurrent violations of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and its deliberate targeting of the Arab country's civilians and civilian infrastructures, amounted to a contravention of the international and humanitarian laws as well as the UN Charter.

The official, therefore, insisted that the Security Council had to condemn the Zionist regime's incursions and "terrorist attacks" against Syria.

Iravani also said the sanctions that had been imposed by the United States and its allies against the Arab nation as well as Washington's plundering of Syria's natural resources -- a trend that started under former American president Donald Trump -- had compounded the challenges that the country already faced in terms of maintaining public health and food security.

Syria and the Israeli regime are technically at war due to the latter’s 1967-to-present occupation of the Arab country’s Golan Heights. Israel maintains a significant military presence in the territory, which it uses as one of its launching pads for attacks against Syrian territory.

The regime's attacks on Syria started to grow significantly in scale and frequency after 2011 when the Arab country found itself in the grips of rampant foreign-backed militancy and terrorism.
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