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Senior Hamas official:

“Al-Aqsa Flood is redefining stage, arranging international priorities”

24 Apr 2024 - 12:11

A senior member of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas Al-Aqsa Flood is arranging international priorities and that a glorious dawn broke from besieged Gaza.

Ezzat al-Resheq, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, affirmed that Gaza is still writing history after 200 days of the aggression, emphasizing that “the Aqsa flood is redefining the stage, and reproducing liberation consciousness in the entire world.”

Al-Resheq stated: “On October 7, glorious dawn broke from besieged Gaza, proclaiming a new and revolutionary beginning for a people under mandate and occupation for a century, and an unprecedented level of military readiness.”

He said that the Palestinian people changed the course of events on October 7, took the initiative, and resolved to protect their rights, freedom, sanctities, land, and prisoners.

He hailed the Palestinian people for establishing military, security, and moral superiority by documenting an incredibly precise and intricate military intelligence operation in the annals of history.

“They also made the occupation army feel some of the suffering that our people endured over many decades, exposing the terrorist Nazi occupation army’s morals and brutality against civilians, women, and children through audio and video footage”, he continued.

The Hamas official made the comments 200 days into Israeli genocidal aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip that has left nearly 34,200 dead, most of them women and children.

Story Code: 632977

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Taghribnews (TNA)