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Iran warns US support for Israel to end in absolute defeat

10 Feb 2024 - 10:58

Iran has warned the United States against its unqualified support for the Israeli regime and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying that will lead to “absolute defeat”.

“The Zionist regime (Israel) seeks to drown the United States in the quagmire of war in West Asia,” Amir-Abdollahian said during a press conference upon arrival in the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Friday.

Since the beginning of hostilities in Gaza in early October, Iran has maintained that war is not a solution to the Palestinian issue, the foreign minister said.

Amir-Abdollahian said Israel has failed to achieve any of its goals in Gaza thanks to the resistance by the Palestinians as well as Lebanon and the entire West Asia.
The Palestinian and Lebanese resistance leaders, he said, have displayed a tactfully wise attitude in action and politics.

“Today, we see the victorious Palestinian resistance has put a political plan in the name of Hamas on the table.”

The Iranian minister commended the effective role of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah in the face of Israel and paid tribute to all the martyrs of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance fronts.

“Iran will continue to strongly support the resistance and Lebanon. We consider Lebanon’s security to be Iran and the region’s security.”

The Iranian foreign minister arrived in Beirut on Friday at the head of a political delegation on the first leg of a regional tour to hold talks with senior Lebanese officials and some leaders of the resistance groups in the region. This is the third time Amir-Abdollahian visits Lebanon since Israel launched the war in early October.

Following his visit to Beirut, Amir-Abdollahian will head to the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Story Code: 624711

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