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“Al-Aqsa Flood, beginning of an end to Israeli regime”, Palestinian cleric

29 Nov 2023 - 16:06

The director of Palestinian Islamic Scholars Association in Lebanon has warned of the “cancerous tumor of Israel” that has grown within the body of Islamic nation for over seven decades and hailed the operation al-Aqsa Flood the beginning of an end to the Zionist regime.

Sheikh Bassam Kayed noted that the visits paid by western officials to the occupied territories was in line with finding a solution to the loss inflicted upon the Zionist regime and revive its fame, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He said the operation by Hamas resistance movement has grown hope for victory in the Islamic nation and stressed,” the operation also brought the hope for freedom for the Palestinian prisoners and their return to jihad (struggle in the path of God).”
The cleric stressed that any victory has a toll to be paid as Gaza and al-Qassam Brigades who helped achievement of this victory were already aware that they would be attacked though they were determined in their decision to carry out the operation.
The senior Palestinian scholar expressed his views at the sixth webinar on al-Aqsa Flood held by Iran’s World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought.

Story Code: 616426

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Taghribnews (TNA)