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Rights group slams Myanmar over setting mosques on fire

28 Jun 2021 - 14:52

A UK-based rights group has denounced Myanmar military of setting mosques on fire in line with harassing minority Muslims in the country.

The military junta has set fire on a mosque in Ahlone Township, Yangon, in its latest instance of violence against minority Muslims, the Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN) reported on Thursday.

Sources blamed the military and described it as an arson attack while authorities claimed electrical issues were behind the incident.

The mosque fire comes after months of attacks against minority Muslims and Christians throughout Burma said the statement, adding that such attacks against the minorities are “intolerable” and the international community must realize the seriousness of these incidents and act immediately.

According to the BHRN records and other available reports, more than 900 civilians, including 70 underage children, have been killed by the Myanmar forces since the Feb. 1 military coup.

 “The world needs to immediately launch a global arms embargo and sanction all businesses connected to the Tatmadaw [Myanmar Army], including the oil and gas sector,” said Kyaw Win, BHRN executive director.

Calling the safety of religious minorities a matter of “great concern,” the statement warned that Burma can descend into a broader conflict between the military and the people.


Story Code: 509534

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