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'Muslims should act swuiftly and cautiously': religious thinker

10 Jan 2019 - 20:03

"It is our duty and every Muslim to act and move swiftly and cautiously," stressed Friday prayers of Iran’s city Najafabad, Hojjatol Islam Mostafa Hasanati.

"It is our duty and every Muslim to act and move swiftly and cautiously," stressed Friday prayers of Iran’s city Najafabad, Hojjatol Islam Mostafa Hasanati, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

"Enemas of divine religion of Islam cannot grind down Muslim nations' hope and stop them from moving forward," pointed out the religious thinker.

"Muslim nations should gather together and discuss ways for confronting their enemies," Hojjatol Islam Mostafa Hasanati stressed.


Story Code: 394008

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Taghribnews (TNA)