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Israel's crimes never drifted into oblivion: Iran

23 Jul 2017 - 14:12

Parliament's General Director for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian slammed crimes perpetrated by the regime of Zionism against Palestinian nations.

Slaming the crimes perpetrated by the regime of Zionism against Palestinian nations, Parliament's General Director for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stressed, "Martyrdom and wounding of over 400 Palestinians was an unforgivable crime."

In response to the recent crime by the Zionist Regime, the official made the remarks noting that the incident required immediate and serious reaction on the part of international and Islamic communities.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the recent stance taken by leaders of the Palestinian Resistance in condemning Zionists’ crimes and deems it as necessary to break relations between Fatah movement and the Israeli regime.

Demonstrations carried out by the oppressed people of Palestine last Friday revealed that the nation can no more tolerate crimes committed by Zionists and that imposing restrictions on entry to Al Aqsa mosque could lead to a new intifada.

Amir-Abdollahian went on to state that Al Aqsa belonged to Muslims, Palestinians in particular, who attend the holy place for prayers and any barrier to entering the mosque went against international regulations and commitments made by the Israel.

He asserted that crimes by the Zionist regime led Palestinian leaders to declare last Friday as a 'Friday of Anger' when the rightful nation of Palestine began to enter the al-Aqsa mosque though the Zionist regime, not tolerating the slightest reaction, shot the marchers.

The official expressed regret that, in the light of silence or cooperation of some countries, the Zionist regime even entered a number of hospitals and captured a number of wounded patients.
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian underscored that these crimes by Israelis will not go unanswered and that the Resistance and Palestinians will respond to these criminal acts.

“In line with Muslim and free nations of the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the crime and supports the oppressed Palestinian people and the Resistance against Zionists,” concluded Iranians Parliament's general director for international affairs.


Story Code: 276362

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