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"Islam is the religion of peace and kindness'

13 Aug 2016 - 15:08

"Islam wants to secure peace favoring peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims who are not at war with the religion," pointed out Iranian Jurisprudent.

Ayatollah Naser Marakem Shirazi in his newly released message to a regional conference mounted under the banner of "Takfir, Challenges ahead and Responsibilities upon Muslim Scholars” underscored Takfiris and extremists are the main problems Muslim world is wrestling with, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

He lamented the fact that enemies progressed in projective the faked image of Islam urging clerics to foil the schemes concocted by the so-called Muslims having no conception about the Islamic teachings and instructions.  

"The so-called Muslims who are unaware of Islam’s teachings and are supported by certain sides name themselves as true Muslims holding Shias and Sunnis as infidels," pointed out the grand Ayatollah.

The senior slammed any inhumane measures against innocent defenseless people noting these Takfiri groups committed terrible crimes and tarnished the real image of Islam religion.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi further hailed a recent proposal by the imam of Egypt’s al-Azhar Islamic Center, Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb who called on Muslim scholars to issue Fatwas against shedding the blood of fellow Muslims.

Qom Seminary instructor placed accentuation on the telling role of clerics in countering terrorism urging them to refrain from highlighting minute differences and take their steps in promoting unity and rapprochement.


Story Code: 241617

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Taghribnews (TNA)