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'Plagued milieu in region stems from prejudice': Younesi

18 Jul 2016 - 9:41

"Plagued milieu in the region stem from blind prejudice and ignorance," pointed out President Hassan Rouhani’s adviser on ethnic and religious minority affairs.

"Political turmoil and crises casting a shadow over the world of Islam and Middle East stem from blind prejudice," Ali Younesi, President Hassan Rouhani’s adviser on ethnic and religious minority affairs said, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

"Unification, solidarity and coherence form the bedrock of an Islamic society," pointed out Younessi hailing the standing security in Islamic republic of Iran.

He went on to underscore, "enemies of Islam cannot withstand high stability and security enjoyed by Iranian nations seeking to widen a gap among various ethnic groups and sects."

The religious cleric named Iran as a rainbow of different ethnic and religious groups all getting along well with each other adding the country with its diverse ethnicity resembled a garden of different colorful flowers.

President Hassan Rouhani’s adviser on ethnic and religious minority affairs placed accentuation on the prime importance of preserving national unity which in turn leads to foiling foes' concocted schemes.

Ali Younesi strongly urged Muslims from all denominations to refrain from any step leading to disunity stressing, "Any type of prejudice damages the security and development of the country like a deadly poison."

The religious cleric sternly warned Muslims of the fallouts and negative consequences of dispersion in the World of Islam stressing disunity in Islamic countries favored no one just the regime of Zionism and the arrogant world.


Story Code: 238620

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Taghribnews (TNA)