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Israeli anti-war NGOs slam harassment, death threats

6 Feb 2016 - 9:32

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the occupied Palestinian territories that are opposed to the Israeli regime’s policy of occupation and suppression of the Palestinians’ rights for freedom have condemned the rising cases of harassment and even death threats against themselves.

In a rare joint press conference held in Tel Aviv on Friday, five Israeli NGOs voiced concern over being subjected to increasing personal attacks in recent months.

Yuli Novak, the president of the Breaking the Silence group, one of the five organizations that advocates the former soldiers who are against the Israeli military's actions against the Palestinians, said there is an "orchestrated effort" to undermine the activities of the left-wing Israeli NGOs.

Novak said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, that “an unprecedented wave of attacks and (the campaign's) strength is taking root in the highest political levels, including … Benjamin Netanyahu.”

The five groups, which were speaking on behalf of 50 pro-peace or human rights organizations, said they receive regular death threats and are subject to attempts of harassment.

The press conference comes just a week before the Israeli parliament is expected to consider a bill that would force NGOs supported by foreign governments to declare the source of finance in all of their official reports.

Reut Michaeli, the president of Gisha, an association that fights for freedom of movement for Palestinians, said Tel Aviv "tries to make us despair and make us invest time and energy in fighting its … legislation."

Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who have proposed the bill, has sought to justify it by saying it could lead to more transparency while it enables the regime to block attempts to delegitimize it.

Story Code: 220820

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