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“Resorting to Quran is the savior”

2 Nov 2015 - 9:16

“The roadmap for ending the present setbacks in the World of Islam is returning to God and holy book of Quran,” said Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought.

Speaking in the second day of religious-scientific intellectual assistance ceremony, the Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought Ayatollah Mohsen Araki noted, “the sole way for putting an end to the present setbacks world of Islam is mired in is returning to God almighty and resorting to his holy book, and Mohammad Prophet’s (PBUH) Sunnah, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
“Enemies are making a forceful attempt to trigger showdowns and  among Muslims, parting them in the long run so as to have Muslim nations under their spell,” said the grand Ayatollah urging Muslims to be abide by God’s commands and Qurnanic teachings to counter enemies’ willful measures.

To Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought, if Muslims abide by Islamic ordinance and precepts, they can be well on the way to progress, gaining the upper hand over their foes and enemies.
 “Muslims should take the cognizance of Islamic ordinance and teachings so as to subdue enemies in advancing willful moves,” pointed out President of Iran top unity center urging Muslims to refrain from any measure and move leads to disunity and dispersion.
According to religious clerics, West wants Muslims to be at each other’s throats. With this connection, President of Iran top unity center urged Muslims from different Islamic denominations and sects to preserve their unity and solidarity, respecting each other takes on different issues.
“God tied us all Muslim with religious bonds and these bond are all emphasized in the holy book of Quran and Muslims Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings,” underlined Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought.
The second day of Shiite- Sunni intellectual assistance meeting was held in holy city of Qom with featured clerics and thinkers in attendance. The religious event was mounted on the themes of “United Islamic Umman, Challenges and Mechanisms” and “Current Crisis of World of Islam held in holy City of Qom.


Story Code: 210413

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Taghribnews (TNA)