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Christmas, New Year messages promote friendship: Daily

28 Dec 2014 - 9:48

An English-language daily on Saturday praised the goodwill messages of Chrismas and the New Year sent by President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif to heads of state and foreign ministers congratulating them on the joyous occasion.

'Iran Daily' believes that the messages were also aimed 'to restate Iran’s position on nuclear negotiations with the six world powers.'

Basically, correspondence with world leaders and counterparts is a normal procedure in the international arena since it brings hearts closer and opens up the way for exchanging views and clarifying ambiguities, added the paper in its Opinion column. In fact, through correspondence, a country can encourage cooperation for advancing a regional or international goal or can quickly clear up misunderstandings before they turn into challenges or crises, underscored the paper.

In the current world, bonds and relationships are so close and complicated that it is a dreadful mistake to fail to notice them since misunderstandings can lead to hostilities, it said, adding that every country needs support and positive energy from others to meet its objectives, safeguard its interests and ensure national security.

Extending Christmas greetings is a chance seized by heads of state, foreign ministers and ambassadors to avert possible misunderstandings and promote friendship. In Iran, sometimes certain people presume that some countries should be excluded as recipients of New Year messages but this notion is absolutely wrong and has no place in either international relations or in Iranian culture and Islam.

The president makes use of various opportunities, including Christmas, to draw public attention to and interests in Iran and demonstrate that the Iranian nation seeks amicable ties and constructive cooperation with all countries although there might be some political divergences with some of them, praised the paper, adding that this would prompt other nations to show respect for Iran and facilitate the country’s international relations.

Zarif’s letter to his counterparts about Iran’s views on nuclear talks is also of crucial importance, underscored the daily. In his letter, the foreign minister clearly touches upon two issues that could cause impasse at the talks. First, the P5+1 expectations from Iran to assure that its nuclear work is peaceful and second, Iran’s demands from the sextet over lifting all sanctions imposed on the nation for it nuclear activities, it pointed out.

Zarif, in his letter, clearly states that he is ready to give reasonable and logical guarantees about the peaceful nature of Iran’s atomic drive and that the country does not believe in developing nuclear weapons, added the paper.

The paper also quoted him as saying that Iran, in return, demands that all sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council, the United States, and the European Union be lifted. The message is specially significant as it defuses propaganda by some countries that claim Iran is not ready show flexibility and cooperate, stressed the paper, adding that it also notifies the world that Iran would not accept any limits on its nuclear activities if sanctions are not revoked.

The letter will definitely have a great impact on world public opinion and it will not allow the realities about nuclear talks to remain obscure due to media campaign, it said.

Anyone with common sense will find Zarif’s arguments about the nuclear issue reasonable and rational when they read the letter. This will surely make the work for Iran’s nuclear negotiating team easier.

Story Code: 177703

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