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President Rouhani Underlines Full-Scale Support for Gazans

22 Jul 2014 - 9:03

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blasted international silence on the massacre of the Palestinian people by Israel, and said the government in Iran supports Gazans with all its power.

"The government and the foreign ministry (of Iran), as a revolutionary country and the president of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), supports the defenseless people (of Gaza) with all its power," Rouhani said, addressing a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Sunday.

He lambasted the silence of the international community on the slaughtering of the Palestinians by the Zionist regime, and said, "Those countries which claim to be civilized have kept mum on the state terrorism."

"No one can bear or believe that all members of a family are attacked by artillery shells and become mutilated," Rouhani said.

Israel has been pounding the blockaded Gaza for 14 consecutive days, killing at least 505 people and injuring more than 3,100 others.

Four out of every five Palestinians killed during Israel's ongoing military offensive in Gaza have been civilians, including dozens of women and children, the United Nations said last Monday.

Story Code: 164223

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