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Prophet Mohammad, endless blessing for man

14 Sep 2023 - 18:30

Iranian Sunni cleric has called Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) an endless blessing for all people.

Akhoond Abdul Hayy Mirza Ali, Friday prayer leader of the Sunni community in Iran’s Aqqala County, in an interview with Taqrib News Agency (TNA) called the prophet of Islam as endless blessing for all people.
Top cleric made the comments on the eve of the demise anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
According to the scholar the blessings of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) did not include merely those in early days of Islam but all the good and evil people from the past to future.
Manager of the public libraries in Golestan province said,” Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) brought something for mankind, embracing which will lead man to eternal happiness.”
According to the senior Sunni cleric that great privilege is the religion of Islam and when its guidelines are followed, its recommendations obeyed, then man will make great spiritual achievements.
Akhoond Mirza Ali hailed Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) a unique role model for the world people and said,” Mankind, by setting the great prophet a role model, will lead a peaceful life and witness the world secure and at peace.”
Top Iranian cleric added peace, friendship and fraternity are among achievements Islam is seeking to prevail in the world.

Story Code: 606925

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