Publish date23 Feb 2022 - 13:31
Story Code : 539698
Iranian thinker:

US assassination of Gen. Soleimani, obvious breach of Human Rights declaration

Intellectuals from across the globe attended the fourth day of webinar on Iranian counter-terrorism commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani highlighting the different aspects of his high character, struggles and school of thought.
US assassination of Gen. Soleimani, obvious breach of Human Rights declaration
Held by Iran’s Islamic World peace Forum, the four-day international webinar on “Martyr Soleimani and New Islamic Civilization” was held in the Iranian capital Tehran as a number of Iranian and international intellectuals attended the online event expressing their views on the senior counter-terrorism figure, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
Zohreh Elahian, chairperson of the Human Rights Committee at Iran’s Parliament in her speech slammed the United States for shouting mottos of counter-terrorism while breaching the world human rights declaration by assassination of General Soleimani.”
She called Lieutenant General Soleimani as the perfect example of compassion and philanthropy amid the worst terrorist clashes and a commander who struggled to save lives of Shia, Sunni and Izadi women in Iraq and Syria.
Shahbaz Ali Abbas, Pakistani professor in this speech at the online meeting hailed General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Muhandis, commander of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi, to be beyond normal individuals stressing,” They established an everlasting system for resistance.”
Talal Idrisi, Lebanese author and university professor praised General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Muhandis for their struggles to save people regardless of their religion and ethnicity.
Also Zafar Bangash, director of the Islamic center of Toronto called General Soleimani a greater threat to world imperialism and Zionism after his martyrdom and said,” In order to properly honor one of the most sacrificial commanders of Islam we should make sure that the mission he began will be successfully accomplished.”
Other participants in the fourth day of the webinar on “Martyr Soleimani and New Islamic Civilization” also highlighted the different aspects of the life and struggles by top counter-terrorism commander who was assassinated by the US forces in early January 2020 near Baghdad International Airport.
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