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'Mecca belongs to whole World of Islam'

9 Apr 2016 - 9:42

One of the members of parliament’s Nation Security Commission leveled criticism at Saudi officials for putting obstacles in performing Hajj pilgrimage.


Hojjatol Islam Hossein Subhani Niya the member of parliament’s Nation Security Commission leveled criticism at Saudi monarchy for placing obstacles in performing Hajj pilgrimage, stressing it would on the face of seem that Saudi officials did not want to see Iranian pilgrims in the current year, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA). 
The political face went on to add, "Islamic cities of Mecca and Medina belong to the world of Islam and obviously enough are not just for the Saudi government."
In his term, "Saudi officials have no right to stop Iranians from visiting the land of the revelation; all the same, they should ficilitate performing this ritual event".
Elsewhere in his remarks, Hojjatol Islam Hossein Subhani Niya underscored, "During hajj days all Muslims should give their consummate attention to religious affairs and to this end, it is incumbent upon Saudi officials to provide the ground and pave the way for pilgrims."
The member of parliament’s Nation Security Commission also urged Saudi authorities not to shirk their responsibility during the Hajj pilgrimage rituals, demanding them to promote their competence in managing the religious performance.

Story Code: 227229

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Taghribnews (TNA)