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Sheikh al-Muhri, 66, passed away

5 Jul 2015 - 8:58

The representative of the sources of emulation in Kuwait, Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Muhri passed away at the age of 66 as a result of a heart attack

The representative of the sources of emulation in Kuwait, Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Muhri passed away at the age of 66 as a result of a heart attack.

The body of the revered scholar will reportedly be buried in the Iraqi holy city of Najaf after a funeral service in Kuwait.

According to Rasa News, Born in 1948, Sheikh Seyyid Muhammad Baqir al-Muhri studied in seminaries of Najaf, Iraq under Grand Ayatollah Abul-Qassim Khoei and Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr.
He was also the deputy chief of the Kuwait Shiite Scholars Council.
Last year, he demanded the government in Kuwait to declare the day of Ashura as a holiday in the country.

Story Code: 197217

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Taghribnews (TNA)